Writing for the Insurance Industry

When the entire insurance industry is predicated on risk, the last thing you want to do is take a risk on a writer.

Meet our specialist insurance strategists and writers with decades of experience creating accurate yet empathetic, jargon-free copy and content.  

In fact, meet our entire team. Because we don’t just have one writer; we have specific channel specialists—content strategists, UX writers, Plain Language writers, SEO writers, technical writers, legal writers, and even policy proofers—all experts in insurance.

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From our clients

"Delivering practical, beautiful solutions. They have a skill at really understanding the business problem and delivering practical, beautiful solutions that meet a customer need. Nothing is too much trouble. Their level of service is extremely high, and professional. To top it off, they are values-orientated and heaps of fun."

Lisa Andrews
Southern Cross Health Society

Why us?   

  • Over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry.
  • Our depth of insurance writers ensures you get the right writer for each unique job.
  • Proven references and case stories.
  • Deep understanding of B2C and B2B comms, including brokers.

Want we do

  • Tone of Voice & training
  • Website strategy & writing  
  • Content Hub strategy & writing  
  • Digital Marketing campaigns
  • Video case stories  
  • Large documentation projects
  • Letter templates  
  • Plain Language documents
  • Communications and Annual Reports  
  • Product proofing
  • Business-to-Business campaigns


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