Writing for Primary Industries

Having rural roots is a significant advantage for BOW right from the get-go.

Communicating with producers in horticulture, viticulture, and agriculture doesn’t work when you're an urban agency in High Street. The nuances in Tone of Voice and Values are subtle – but critical for establishing authenticity.

We know about commercial sensitivities because we grew up on farms. We know every nuance of the lingo, the beliefs and values of growers and farmers because they are our fathers, mothers, and cousins.  

We know how devastating it is to lose an entire crop due to high winds or a flock due to early snow because we see it happen from our windows. And we also happen to be damn good writers.

Chat to Ben

Our recent projects


Our experts in

Primary Industry

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From our clients

"They operate as true partners and are a great team to have in your corner. I have worked with the Big On Writing (BOW) team on a number of projects, most notably during my tenure at Fonterra. BOW really does walk its talk. They’re resourceful, honest and talented with the experience and resources to manage large enterprise projects, yet the flexibility to pivot to any unique challenge."

Grant Watson │ Synlait
Chief Executive Officer / Synlait

Why us? 

  • We can take highly scientific information and create fresh, on-brand copy for every culture and country.
  • Farming and horticulture are in our DNA. You don’t have to waste time upskilling writers.
  • Our references and proven case stories speak to our strengths in this industry.
  • Filming is a breeze because we know the talent, the farms and sometimes even the dog’s names.
  • We’re huge advocates and sponsors of the local rural community. We use local people as our first call.

Want we do  

  • Website strategy & writing  
  • Content Hub strategy & writing  
  • Video stories & photography
  • Annual reports  
  • Business-to-Business writing
  • Sustainability writing
  • Technical specs
  • Stakeholder communications

Like to know more about who we are?